Electronic Music Interface
A MIDI controller that allows a person to interact with both the physical and digital world by playing a simple musical instrument made with Arduino and visualizing sound effects in p5.js.
Serial Labs
Intro to Asynchronous Serial Communications.
Serial Input to p5.js.
Serial Output From p5.js.
Duplex Serial Communication using an Arduino and p5.js.
I/O Device Assignment
A simple musical instrument that functions similar to a piano. Each time press a button, the speaker will output a pitch. Release the button, the sound will continue. Long press any button, the sound will stop.
Digital + Analog Labs
Digital Input and Output.
Analog Input.
Analog Output with Tone.
Analog Output with ServoMotors.
Interface Observation
Identify the sensors and how they sense or do not sense you or someone else? Does the sensor make itself known to you? How do you know if the sensor has sensed? Is there more than one stage of interaction or multiple interactions?