

Integrate narrative elements in your space by using UI elements, and make some of them interactive (using, for instance, buttons, text fields or checkboxes)

1️⃣ Add some images and texts as UI in world space; make one of them interactive by adding a button in world space. You are expected to change the default fonts, colors and background-images that Unity provides.
2️⃣ Add UI elements in screen space. Think of how you can make them narratively relevant. Add a UI element that allows the visitor to interact not just with other UI elements, but with non-UI game object(s).

Click me to watch the demo


The UI elements turned out super tiny when I "Build and Run" the project no matter how much I tweaked the UI to make them fit in the Game view. (You can see the problem at 00:06 compared to 00:26.)


Game > QHD (Mac)
Window > Layouts > Reset All Layouts
Edit > Project Settings > Player > Product Name


Reactive Spaces


Expressive Spaces