Expressive Spaces


The point of the homework is to think about expressive spaces (spaces that are based around a concept such as love, community, pollution, progress). Depending on the idea/concept/symbol/emotion you choose, think of how big the rooms should be, how they relate to each other, what colors/textures are the walls, whether you can see outside, whether you can access them easily or if it's a long journey, etc.

1️⃣ Build a 3D environment with three rooms using only primitive game objects, lights and textures
2️⃣ Integrate external 3D models (objects, buildings or scenery, but no pictures or videos) in each room
3️⃣ Create each room as a separate unity scene, and use SceneManagement.LoadScene() to switch between each.

Click me to watch the demo

Expressive spaces of nature


SceneManagement.LoadScene() allows users to easily switch between each scene, which is cool. One confusing thing, though, is that in some cases it seems to change the lighting of the scene. For example, if I start with Scene1, switch to Scene2, then Scene3, each scene shows up fine, but when I switch from Scene3 back to Scene1, the color of the glacier looks different. (You can see it in the demo at 00:57 compared to 00:04.) However, I'm not sure if this is caused by SceneManager since the colors of objects in Scene2 and Scene3 don't change with the switch. (You can see it in the demo at 01:03 compared to 00:23.)


File > Build Settings > Build
Lighting > Baked




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